It may not always be an easy thing to do – I mean to stay focused, to stay on course, to keep the vision, to maintain the goal within the view of our sight. It is not a guarantee that the path we take will remain as straight as it is on this section. You will occasionally fail and even fall down. You meet strong waves of discouragement, shocking & derailing feelings of betrayal, and unending loops of discomfort but hey, you have to keep moving. Life is simply like a river. If you were to touch the flowing water, as much as you are still in contact of water, the drops you touched will be far downstream. You contact it once and never ever will, you get to touch the same because they flow in one direction usually once. So when you get the chance, live life to the fullest, work hard, love many hate none, laugh more because we only have one round to play in this game of life. Make friends and learn to use them well. Perhaps, you shouldn’t forget to include your enemies on your list because you equally need them too in your quest for success. They shape our ways and make it possible for us to realize how the world and life can be so empty without the people we really wish they never existed or lived. Life is a journey, an adventure, only accomplished by the brave, the focused, the disciplined and most of all, the selfless souls. Stay focused, stay on course, and keep the vision towards your destiny.
Guest post by my comrade, classmate & everything that goes down at the farthest corner of our class, Gideon