Kenya Defense Forces

Military Life: 4 Ways In.

The Kenya Defence Forces are recruiting again. The document is available online KDF recruitment details 2021. It is usually a highly anticipated season in the country as many young men look forward to enlisting and being part of an exciting career. As usual, advertisements are put up on local media as well as on the […]

Military Life Chapter 19: Almost a Recruit.

Everything is happening so fast now. We don’t even know why we are still seated on the tarmac because it has been a while since anyone was called. Rumor has it that they have discovered another fraud case. By now we are winding up the second week. The enlistment process takes a while. There is […]

Military Life Chapter 18: Sharp Recruits Liam Part II

Liam called me and told me that he’s on quarantine. At the barracks all precautions are being taken to ensure that infections do not arise undetected. So when you return from your annual leave or the short days leave, you are put in isolation awaiting redeployment… Our conversation was as dramatic as usual. He always […]

Military Life Chapter 17: 75007 Recruit Kimani.

Mathew Kimani was our course senior. Well… A course senior is a soldier – in this case a recruit who is the senior most in the room/ squad/ platoon/ company/ division or even in a troop car or a convoy or whichever the context that might be. Remember the week we sat on the tarmac […]

Military Life Chapter 16: Sharp Recruits – Liam.

“…One thing I learnt from my bum was that it listened to stories too. It got entertained and the more interesting a story was, the more comfortable it was and less nagging. But the moment stories died down and there was nothing to talk about, I could feel the hard gravel pushing onto my soft […]

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