Thanksgiving it is.

It is a new year, a lot of resolutions made and new habits started. A good number of us as well with a whole list of articles to write and finish off. As a church, we started the year as usual with our season of prayer and fasting and the first week was a key week in laying the foundation of the prayer and fasting season. I look forward to continue sharing my journey and growth as I move along in my life as a friend of Christ.

On day 1, of thanksgiving, the Holy Spirit placed a word in my heart. There has been a lot to thank God for, from the past year. From increase in family, good health, a healthy family, spiritual growth, friendships, increase in wisdom and skill, a home, among many other things. The list is endless. I was just full of awe. It is interesting that most of the prayers were not answered in the way I expected – Trust the Lord to know better what we need than we do ourselves. He created you and I. The Lord pulled some seriously unexpected moves and I am just grateful that I am not where I was. There is so much growth and increase in various aspects of life. These I will be sharing in detail as we move through the year. They are crazy testimonies!

‘But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating. Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more. ‘

Luke 12:48 (ESV)

The Holy Spirit reminded me of that time Jesus was teaching His disciples about being ready – of faithful and wise managers/ servants, and the word placed in my heart was “to whom much is given, much is expected”. This was the response I got through my thanksgiving prayer. A response, a reminder and a call to action to know that there is much more that is expected of me and my family moving forward – Not just in 2022. There is a lot to give thanks for: from life, healing, health, provision, providence, anointing, friends, family, God fearing mentors, Bible based fellowship, the list is endless. I see these as resources to undertake that God given assignment, I pray for Gods grace as we live up to His expectation. The baseline is “Much is expected” but I do not know exactly what is expected. The challenge and the assignment here is to give my best individually and also to give our best as a family. The reason I emphasize family is because it is our assignment and our marriage being a purpose driven one, we have to step up to the calling. I pray that I never forget what He has done and he continues to do in our lives.

Thanksgiving it is.

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