For the last one month most of my Saturdays have been spent outside the house on other peoples duties. This was a special Saturday in that it was the first one in the year that I spent time at home. It was also unusual in that I woke up unusually early considering the time I woke up and that it was a weekend. Formalities of a normal morning, browsed my diary which was rather packed for a weekend and then went out to start my day. It was around 7 am. I started the day by heading to the studio where they started the day with my work. I paid, took the receipt and headed to Mathare where I took my shoes to be polished permanently. Shining that is. By that it would mean I won’t be spending hours on it shining it. All it needed was a splash of water and I would be good to go. Then in the same location I had a heavy breakfast that would normally cost me around 100/- where I normally stay during the week. The breakfast cost me 40/- as for the shoe it was also surprising because for a better quality I got the service for half the price I would have paid for the service back in the college neighborhood.
Again I left them there to pick them later and went off to attend to the next issue. Banking. I met up with the other director of our company, being signatories for the account and we did what we had to do. One of the books we were publishing was ready to go to press and thus the need for funds and all that banking process. The last time I was in a banking hall was back in October. That is if my memory serves me right. I was smiling that finally things were looking up after a long time in the cold. Again it usually works when I am in Nairobi. I hustle better and more when here unlike when I am deep in the interior. The losses are also as much in the same capacity. We went to river road where we supervised the processing of the plates of the book. A quick look at my watch indicated that my time was running out and my program would be derailed if I don’t rush things. I went to Rehema house to sort some land issue that again had to be postponed to a day that will be for that purpose only. I realized the guys in that office were trying to act “Funny”. I will give the issue a whole day.
Next up was Karen. Or almost Karen. St. Thomas of Aquinas was the next stop where there was the St, Thomas day celebration at the seminary’s grounds taking place. I have friends there and I was there to celebrate with them the day and also the Seminary’s Golden Jubilee. Then among the families of the seminarians was one lady who came up to me and asked if I recognized her. The face was almost familiar since it almost took up my physical science’s tutor. But on further scrutiny it wasn’t her. She asked me where I worked and I was a bit reluctant and that’s when she took up the initiative herself to say where she thought she had met me. True to her word Laikipia was the place we had met. She was a parent to two of my Sunday school students/ children whatever you may feel right to call them. She was so excited to meet me in a seminary. “By seeing you here, I know our children have been in good hands, I can see you are of good company” Now that warmed my heart and I was speechless. The Seminary… and how I almost became a catholic priest is another interesting part of my life. For quite a while. We went ahead to talk about how Laikipia has been since I left. She went ahead to say that she was not aware that I had left the place. I immediately explained why I had a vague memory of her, reason being at my position I could not know people, but they could know me. Just like in school, it was easier to know and remember the people who were in the higher classes unlike those in the lower classes. After the short chat we each went our different ways. I headed to the dining area where they served a great buffet. I did not eat much since I had stayed for quite a while without eating. I was running on breakfast since 8 in the morning, which by then was long forgotten. We had a chit chat with my seminarian friends and then we walked the short distance to the road and I headed to town.
I went straight to the studio and picked my photos. They were well done, courtesy of a great business relationship with the administrators of the studio. I then met up with the CEO and went again to confirm that the print job was going on well. They did not disappoint, at least so far, they had everything under control. I then went window shopping for my drawing tools and a giant album for the photos. Part of the bonuses for the photo shoot. I don’t know if it’s me but those tools are expensive!!! Damn!!! They were coming to almost 5K. Wa!!! That proved to be my greatest challenge. That amount, plus debts, plus survival, plus all the other hidden expenses of life. Being a Kikuyu doesn’t matter much but I cannot be having tools worth that much and I stay hungry for another long time. Oxford will do. But I had a feeling the tutors there will get malicious and give dimensions bigger than my small oxford set…
I kept to my window shopping and I happened to come across the street book vendors who had books worth 30/- I bought 4 of such and managed to bargain and got an extra book. The title that attracted my attention was one about Alaska. I love Alaska and everything related to Alaska. The greatest being the sun. It travels along the horizon… as in at some time of the year, it’s always sun set/rise. Crazy huh? Dream destination. My load was becoming heavier and that marked the end of my day. Last part of my day included having coffee with my business mentors. We had not met this year and especially since I returned to the city. We had a long talk and they gave me the new strategies, new trends and all that. They are also good in motivation and I got that as well. It would pump me up for the next week or so.
We left together and I saw them off to their car. I only had to cross the street and get to the club across the street where my friend was waiting for us to talk and catch up. Usually we met up after like several months but after my arrival here it has been a weekly thing. He happened to land a good job and of late he has been very insightful. The kind of people I wanna be rolling with this year. Surprising enough nobody was in the moods for alcohol. So for the first time I did Delmonte® in a club. It was nice. The music did the best to cool off the day and help me forget the sunburns I had collected in the course of the day. I couldn’t stay for long since I had to arrange and put photos into an album back at the home office. We wound up and I left hurriedly since I had to finish all the pending jobs and rest.
I got home and as usual I took a cold shower. I always try my best to buy time with the body’s fatigue. Taking a shower is part of giving it a fresh start. I then took my in house water bottle and filled it up with water. It is easier than always refilling the glass. I started with the small stuff, small in the sense that they did not require a lot of physical energy. It however needed a lot of concentration. I had to update the financial records before my mind got fully exhausted. After the paperwork and lots of Excel, I took to the photos and started arranging them in order. That is the day’s story from the beginning to the end of the ceremony. That happened to join the jobs I have underestimated. I finished that at around 1am. I had not had my supper and this is the time I had my evening meal as I tried watching Final Destination 5. I never finished the movie. Browsed my diary while half asleep, probably sleep walking. And once again, I slept late.
A Typical Weekend – Saturday
what wah busy doesnt compare to mine
Higher busy or lower busy?
Life calls for busy. Esp this econ!